The nursery is complete!

Dear baby girl,

Even though you’re almost 11 weeks old and I still have one thing left on the to-do list for your nursery, it’s about time I post some pictures!

I just love the feeling of the calm, cozy space when you walk in the door. Your daddy says it’s the most decorated room in the house.

The view from the doorway of the nursery.

The only thing left to complete is to fill the shelves on the wall and your bookshelf. I want to put some pictures in frames on the little shelves under your name and hope to get that done soon!

Changing area. There are many “poo” jokes that have been said already.

I opted to go with a dresser to put a changing pad on top of, rather than purchasing a separate changing table. I love the convenience of changing and picking out your outfit for the day. Some days you are very patient with me when we play dress up. It’s fun to see what you fit into as you slowly grow. You’re almost fitting into three months clothes! That is the size I received the most of as gifts, so you will have lots of clothes when they all finally fit. Here are a couple that already do!

9 weeks old            IMAG1049
               9 weeks old                                                 10 weeks old

Your crib – I just love it. And you sleep pretty good in here, too!

I just love everything about your crib – the bedding set, the crib itself, and how well you sleep in it. I’m a lucky momma! We don’t actually keep the blanket on the crib, for safety purposes, but it looked nice for the picture. 🙂 When you are big enough you will get to sleep with the blanket.

Storage central! Love the cubbies and the bookshelf we got at Target.

One of the things I love about your nursery is the book collection. You can see some of them in that basket, and we have almost an entire shelf full on your bookshelf. These are all gifts we received at showers from family and friends. We’ve read several already – you really love ones that have rhymes, like Dr. Seuss.

You can see a couple empty shelves that will soon be full of more books and toys as you get older. I can’t wait to see you grow into your room and enjoy it. One of the neat things about not knowing your gender is that this nursery will also work well for a possible younger brother or sister someday. Then you’ll get your big girl bedroom! Wow, I am getting way too ahead of myself here. 🙂

I’m so happy your nursery is complete! It was a lot of fun picking things out and watching Daddy put it together. 🙂 We make a good team. I hope someday you enjoy it as much as we do!

With love,


37 weeks: The Final Countdown

Dear baby,

The past few weeks have been a whirlwind as Daddy and I prepare for your arrival. I can’t believe your due date is just three weeks away!

This month has been full with football, family and fun. Your Uncle Brian is a kicker for the football team at Simpson College, and he and the team are having a great year. (It makes up for the fact that the Steelers are not.) Just so you know, baby, you are being born into a family that has some pretty serious Pittsburgh Steelers fans. You may have some Steelers onesies already. Your Grandma and Pap Pap Schaaf grew up in Pittsburgh, and most of your daddy’s extended family still lives in the area.

When I haven’t been tailgating and watching football, I have been celebrating your arrival with family and friends at two baby showers. You wouldn’t believe how much people love you already! Your nursery is now full of clothes, books and toys, and we’re fully stocked on onesies, blankets and bath time items.

onesies galore
Family decorated homemade onesies just for you!

Gammie, me and your Aunt Katie. And you hiding in that bump!

Speaking of your nursery, your daddy spent some time putting the furniture together and getting it set up. I am so happy with how everything came together.

nursery before
The before picture of the nursery…

nursery after
After – the nursery furniture set up.

crib with pooh
After – your crib looks just as I imagined!

We’re waiting to put some finishing touches in your nursery after you’re born, including your name on the wall. Believe it or not, your daddy and I have names picked out for you! Just a couple hours ago we picked our top two boy and girl names. It was a long process with a lot more disagreeing than I expected, but Daddy and I are both happy with our final choices. We are not sharing these names with anyone, and we have decided to wait until we meet you to decide which name suits you best.

At 37 weeks, it’s crazy to think that you could be born at any time now, and I will be a mom in just a few short weeks. I’m showing signs that you’re getting ready and am starting to feel a lot more pregnant. I think about you all the time and hope and pray you’re doing well in there. I know it’s up to you whenever you are ready, and I just need to patiently wait for you to get here. Just make sure to make your arrival easy on Momma, okay? 🙂 I know the wait and the labor will all be worth it.

I can’t wait to see you soon!

With love,


Big week.

Dear baby,

As I round the corner into week 30, I am feeling pretty good. (Other than the fact that you are turned sideways in my belly, causing a great bit of discomfort. I feel like you’re trying to push your way out through my belly button. :)) I just bought this cute dress on clearance that allows me to breathe (and you to stretch) a bit.

30 weeks cropped

This past week we crossed many things off of our baby to-do list, which makes me one happy and less stressful momma.

1. We were finally able to donate several items we’ve had in storage so we can move your daddy’s “man cave” to the basement and turn our current office (man cave) into your nursery.

2. We picked out our daycare for you to be taken care of while your daddy and I are at work during the day. This was no easy task. It took a lot of research, asking of others and visiting several places to find the right one. But when your daddy and I visited last week, we knew we found the one. A nice, family-owned center that also has a preschool. Your nursery space is bright and cheerful, filled with toys and books, and of course has your own crib to sleep in.

3. We’ve [almost] found your pediatrician. I found out our family practice doctor loves children and would have been a pediatrician had he not gone into family practice. The receptionist I spoke with said all of her grandchildren have been seeing him as their pediatrician. I just want to ask the doctor a few questions before making that final decision, which I should hopefully do this week.

4. We bought your nursery furniture! Clearly, this is the one I am the most excited about. It took several of hours (okay, months) of research, scouring the Internet and chatting with your daddy to find the perfect items for your room:
Your crib, which I absolutely love.
Your dresser that will store all of your essentials. We’ll put a changing pad on top of the dresser for you.

This glider is where I will spend countless hours holding you, nursing you and reading to you. 

I cannot wait for these items to arrive so we can finally get your nursery ready. I am leaning towards light green and yellow colors and am looking for inspiration from friends and the Internet. It will be the perfect, cozy space for momma to relax with you and for you to enjoy as you grow older.

It’s been a good, busy week, and I just know the final 10 weeks are going to fly. With football games, a couple of baby showers and time with family and friends, I have just about every weekend full until your due date! It’s time for momma to get in nesting mode and ready for you to get here. 🙂  Because November will be here before we know it!

With love,



Dear baby,

I’ll warn you now, it’s about to get cheesy in today’s letter. Today marks the sixth anniversary of your daddy’s and my wedding anniversary. We have been together for nearly ten years and married for six, and this year is extra special as we celebrate becoming a family soon.

It’s interesting how much you get asked once you’ve said “I do” when kids will be on the way. It’s well meaning (or so I optimistically choose to think), but every couple has their own story, their own timing, their own desires. And sometimes, things just don’t happen according to how you may plan them that are outside of your control.

You are a beautiful gift, a little miracle that will be arriving at the perfect time for us. We’ve been through a lot together, your daddy and me, and we’ve grown stronger and closer through the process. At the time of grief or suffering or anxiety in the unknown, it is never easy. But I am so thankful to have your daddy at my side so that we may support, encourage and love one another in the way that God loves us. And in the times of joy, I am so thrilled to celebrate with your daddy the gifts this life gives us, like you.

Even with our anxiety in the unknown, we look forward to what’s ahead. We trust in the timing and find hope in the future of our family together. The simple things are bringing me joy as we prepare for your arrival, like getting your nursery ready. We registered for this Winnie the Pooh set yesterday that I just fell in love with – I hope you like it!pooh
It is my hope that someday you’ll see just how much your daddy and I love each other and that we would be a good example to you as parents. I know we aren’t perfect, and we won’t pretend to be. I just want you to know that at the end of the day, Daddy and I and you are all on the same team together. We love each other – and you – no matter what, and we want what is best for us and our family. Daddy and I are so excited for this next chapter in our lives and cannot wait for you and possibly future siblings to join us. We’re only six years in and have a lifetime to go.

With love,



Dear baby,

I love feeling you get more active in my belly. Even in my discomfort with your kicking and movements, it feels so special to know you’re in there, this little miracle growing and forming with each passing day.

I’m also starting to feel like my belly is growing and forming each day.

22 weeks
22 weeks yesterday when this was taken. Today I’m 23 weeks already!

It’s hard to believe just how fast the time has flown. Only 17 weeks to go. I realize that’s four months, but I have a feeling it’s going to go by quickly. I’ve started doing research and looking into options for your nursery, from cribs to dressers to rockers for me to hold you in.
The rocker looks SO comfortable! I can’t wait to hold you close. 

I love the modern simplicity of this crib.

I am drawn to white for the main furniture – crib and dresser – and accents in green and yellow. I am also looking at wooden glider rockers. There are so many options to choose from (and astonishingly high prices!), and I want to find what’s just right for your nursery space without busting our budget.

Daddy and I are going to register for items in the next couple weeks as our family and friends are wanting to buy you gifts! You’ve received a few things from our friends already that I can’t wait to put to use. There’s so much to register for and get, I hardly know where to start! I’ve been reading books and blogs like they’re going out of style so that I know the best things and must-haves to get for you. Not that you’ll notice much of what your daddy and I decide, but quality is what matters the most.

Your daddy and I have been keeping pretty busy, so we will be glad when the process of purchasing major items and registering is over. On another note, the other night, Daddy and I had a debate of whose belly is biggest. Your daddy pulled out a ruler and determined we are the same. Then we posted a photo to the Internet to let our friends and family decide.

bellies cropped
I’m on the left and Daddy is on the right. 🙂 Pretty soon you’ll be making my belly bigger by a long shot! 

Your daddy and I are planning to register in the next couple weeks – right before our anniversary! I can’t believe we’ve been married for almost six years. And we have been together for almost 10. Someday you’ll get to hear the special stories like how your daddy and I met and how he proposed. You’ll probably think it’s really sweet when you are little and roll your eyes once you’re a teenager. Not ready to think about those days yet!

For now, I’m taking things one day at a time to prepare for your arrival. My love and desire for you to be taken care of go into every decision I make. Because before I know it, you’ll be here!

With love,